The City of Hammond, Louisiana, was chartered in 1889 and has enjoyed steady growth since that time. The majority of the city's oldest buildings are located in the downtown area. Preservation of these historic areas is essential to Hammond's overall quality of life and is embodied in the Mission Statement of the Hammond Historic District. The downtown provides a center for continually expanding boundaries that provide a visual link with the past and a unique character that cannot be duplicated by new construction.

The Hammond Historic District Commission (HHDC) is a citizens' commission whose seven members have experience in history, design, architecture, or education. The Commission reviews plans for work within the historic district and sees that new proposals are consistent with the Historic and Architectural Design Guidelines. The Commission also provides advice and consultation regarding renovation, restoration, and new signage to safeguard the district's character and historic integrity.

Please take a look around this site for more information about local history, the field of historic preservation, and the activities of the HHDC.

Events & Announcements:


Photo Credit: ms.akr

Commission Meetings


District Maps