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National Register District

Does not:

X - Does not restrict the use or disposition of property or obligate private property owners in any way.

X -  Does not require conformance to design guidelines or preservation standards when the property is rehabilitated unless specific preservation incentives (tax credits, grants) are involved.

X -  Does not affect state and local government activities.

X -  Does not prevent the demolition of historic buildings and structures within designated areas.


    Identifies significant properties and districts for general planning purposes.

   Analyzes and assesses the historic character and quality of the district.

Designates historic areas based on uniform national criteria and procedures.

  Sets district boundaries tightly, based on the actual distribution pattern of intact historic properties in the area.

  Makes available specific federal and state tax incentives for preservation purposes.

  Provides a limited degree of protection from the effects of federally assisted undertakings.

Qualifies property owners for federal and state grants for preservation purposes when funds are available.

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Local Historic District

Does not:

X - Does not qualify property owners for federal or state grants for preservation purposes.

 X - Requires local historic preservation commissions review and approval, based on conformance to local design guidelines, before a building permit is issued for any “material changes” in appearance to the district.

 X - Does not affect federal, state, or local government activities.

X- Does not have guidelines regarding interior alterations.



Has penalizations for non-compliance with guidelines.

Provides for the review of proposed demolitions within designated areas; may prevent or delay proposed demolitions for specific time periods to allow for preservation alternatives.

Protects a community’s historic properties and areas through a design review process.

Protects the historic character and quality of the district with specific design controls.

Designates historic areas on the basis of local criteria and local procedures.

Sets district boundaries based on the distribution pattern of historic resources plus other preservation and community planning considerations.

  Provides no tax incentives for preservation purposes unless such are provided by local tax law.

Provides no additional protection from the effects of federally assisted undertakings.